Sunday, December 11, 2011

First Lego League

  This is an overhead view of the mission field, also known as the Robot Game.

First Lego League (FLL) is a organization about Legos and robotics where teams of kids compete in challenges.  You can learn more about it at use Lego Mindstorm robots to complete missions on a challenge table.  There are three other things judges give you points                on.  One is called Core Values.  Here, your team is judged on your teamwork and other core values.  Another is technical judging.  In technical judging the judges judge you on the design of your robot and its efficiency at completing missions. The final rubric you'll be judged on is The Project.  Each year there is a new project. Last 
year the project was Body Forward, and this year it is Food Factor.  I'm on the Kung Food Fighters, a rookie team that made it to the second competition at Legoland.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

My Green Lego Shark

These are some pictures of my Lego Shark.  It is dark green with bright green eyes.  My Lego Shark has a hollow body and two little bright orange pieces which flip up to show a secret compartment.  I some times use it as a prison for Lego characters.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

My Sleek Lego Spy Car

These are some pictures of this Lego Spy car I made at my house. You can create instructions with LEGO Digital Designer. This car has an aerodynamic body and eight wheels. I pretend it is a remote controlled spy car.