Saturday, August 27, 2011

My Sleek Lego Spy Car

These are some pictures of this Lego Spy car I made at my house. You can create instructions with LEGO Digital Designer. This car has an aerodynamic body and eight wheels. I pretend it is a remote controlled spy car.


  1. Great car...I love the blog. Keep it up!

  2. Congratulations, Sebas. Great site. I will follow this from Punta....

    Love, Nonno

  3. Hi Nonno how is my blog looking? I'm glad we got it to work.

    From Legokid

  4. AAARRRGGG! We pirates have checked out this blog to make sure it meets The Pirate's Code. It does so brilliantly. Beautiful lego cars but we must complain that they are not pirate sailing vessels - soon maybe? Here's the llatest pirate vessel joke "Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says to the other; "Does this taste funny to you?" Signed with an X for Pirate Cap'n Black Jack

  5. Thanks a lot Blackjack. Look at the blog archive to see my Lego Shark
